The Shame of Christians Who Care About Their Political Narratives More Than Justice

Today, the jury finally turned in a verdict for the Kyle Rittenhouse trial: Not guilty. For those who care about evidence irrespective of personal preferences or narrative, this was the obvious decision, and the only surprise was that it took the jury a couple of days to reach it. Because it was so obvious, it’s become yet another useful litmus test to see which people have the emotional maturity to process evidence in a clear-headed manner and which ones cling desperately to their narratives. Not only that, we can see several Christians expose themselves as caring more about political ideology over true biblical justice.

Jumping to conclusions and a desperate media narrative

To summarize this whole case, last year, a black man named Jacob Blake was shot by police in Kenosha, WI. The headline “black man shot by police” set off another wave of protests and riots, and several sports teams, most notably in the NBA, walked out of their games to protest the shooting. Even at the time, I criticized the NBA players’ decision because they made drastic assumptions without any evidence, and that criticism has aged well because as more evidence poured in, the more it did not look like a case of an innocent black man being shot for no reason, as was first insinuated by the media. It is no surprise that we hear little about Jacob Blake now.

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