InterChristianity podcast: How should Christians approach Trump and the election?

My friends and I are trying out a podcast where we engage with relevant topics in the church and culture from a biblical worldview. Here’s our episode on the election and Donald Trump, though my more detailed case has already been written below in my response to Grudem.

Recorded 10/20/20.

Evaluating Wayne Grudem’s Case for Voting for Donald Trump, 2020 version

Update: John Piper has given his own reasons for not voting for either Biden or Trump here. It’s worth a read.


Four years ago, I critiqued systematic theologian Wayne Grudem’s rationale for voting for Donald Trump. I generally agreed that the Left had lost its mind and a Hillary presidency would be problematic, but I did not buy his arguments that I felt tried to airbrush Trump’s character or his own problematic policy ideas. It’s worth noting that Grudem briefly withdrew his endorsement of Trump after the “grab them by the p***y” video surfaced (a reaction that drew eyerolls from me because I didn’t know why anyone would find Trump’s attitude towards women terribly surprising) before quickly re-endorsing him based on policy grounds.

Grudem has continued this focus on policy in a recently published “Letter to an Anti-Trump Christian Friend,” where he responds to a Christian friend who is angry at him for supporting Trump. I will say that this letter is far better or more nuanced than his article four years ago, and I do respect Grudem: I certainly don’t think he hasn’t thought through the reasons why he votes for Trump. However, as someone who leans conservative but still does not plan to vote for Trump, I want to walk through his main reasons for voting for Trump in 2020.

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